The science of reasoning…


“Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work…”

– Thich Nhat Hanh


The anatomy is a complex structure.  We are more than tissue and flesh…! We aren’t conformed for isolation – these chakra points feature our integration within the fabric of our society…  We began this stimulation from our bio-chemical reactions and concluded with our emotional intelligence – this expansion is vast…! The make-up of this human structure is meaningful that can retain its structure through the science of reasoning, which is reflective and transparent through both our external and internal beings.  We can only be celebrated through the central system of our kindness…  Our hearts are pure, expansion from this emotional generator will allow this human structure to reconcile, we are self-healing beings…!  Every aspect of our internal mechanism needs to know how to regenerate through this cycle of change… We all need to know how to transform…? The more we learn to exercise change, the more natural this process becomes… The less confined and constrained our cellular memory will be…!  We are not meant for oppression… The reason for our stagnation is because we have inactivated this system… We contemplate and conflict through the positive and negative atoms… We don’t think to transmute consciously to co-create…  This fuels the by-product of our manifestation – our survival comes effortlessly through this biochemical machinery… We are learning to breakdown the atoms of knowledge – to breakthrough our mental obstacles through this transformation process…  It’s all about our growth and expansion… When we can see past the true value of our subsistence… and see past our isolation – we will see further past our material objectives… As our social structures fall away, we need this knowledge for our survival… It’s all about the commitment of the anatomy… This is beyond our socio-economic circumstances – past our man-made objectives that create the ethics of control and manipulation… These chakra points highlight the utopia of compassion and togetherness… We are all on this expedition – we will never find happiness from within our procrastination… We are in the pursuit of happiness – for a reason…!  A ‘U’ turn is the trajectory for our forward movement… Commit to the anatomy allow the three brains to navigates this trajectory… We are all bound to the logic that bounds the anatomy to action…  Inside the blueprint of the anatomy, we retain the imprints of our civilisation from inside the core of our being… We are all cells that have conformed through this cellular movement. When our cellular memory feels isolated, despair and fear – it off-sets the natural structure of the anatomy… Where gravity is inclined to fill this void with emptiness…  Energy needs to balance and flow swiftly and naturally inside the anatomy… We are all energy… Our growth and expansion comes from how we utilise our emotional intelligence…? When triggers and circumstances complicate our subsistence.  There are only two trajectories within our survival… We can either make these conflicting emotions spiral out into our stagnation or allow the commotions of our emotions to fuel and spring into our progressiveness.  Fear is all around us… We have been expanding through the decline of this process through our human evolution for eons… Within our evolution we have brought humanity into its decline. Through our revelations we have elevated the expansion of humanity…! It’s all about the trajectory of how we view the world around us…? Is the world falling apart or is it restructuring for the benefit of humanity…?  The motion of change is needed everywhere – our atmosphere, climate, thought process and our habitation – it’s all reforming. Our mother earth must be revolutionising…! Discipline is another word for science. When we have the knowledge in how the anatomy functions…? We can discipline the science of this reasoning for our survival… Our cellular memory is scattered – without this beacon of light… When our thoughts are spread-out everywhere, our focus is out of balance…! There are many components that will structure the body of knowledge – the science of reasoning will allow the expansion of our survival to build the circumference of this awareness… When we are unknown to how the anatomy functions…? We become lost within our identity…!     


It’s all about how we balance our positive and negative energies inside us…!


“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world…”

– Marianne Williamson


We are now in the core centre of this biochemical machinery… The beacon of light is at the heart of this expansion. When the flame is lit these atoms can flow… Our growth and expansion comes through the by-product of our manifestation… This is our birth right – we are all entitled to be happy within our existence… It’s all about the commitment of the anatomy…! What happens to the anatomy when it relies on the structures of our co-dependant and dependant behaviour patterns…? When the anatomy functions through fear our internal mechanisms work differently… We are all mixed up and the other way around… When we are dysfunctional internally, we are dysfunctional externally…! No matter what type of mask we put on superficially… Gravity is inclined to work through every part of our internal conditionings… When we fill this beacon of light with both negative and positive energies… these atoms become part of our energy field… The energies we cultivate within our social conditioning is what we nurture inwardly… When these energies are stagnated, dense and weighted in frustration – they are a lot difficult to shift… We are dragging our baggage within our forward movement… In our procrastination the emotional body, mental body and the physical body – becomes dysfunctional… Fear is assembled by a sequence built by our insecurities – when this code of belief forges our emotional intelligence, the anatomy will come to a halt… Instead of moving forward the anatomy is working through old programmes that retain inside our old templates, circumstances and fears… When our emotional body and our mental body functions through this trajectory – the action that we are creating is built through this reality… and the more we procrastinate, the more physical our pain, struggles and conflicts feel… How we communicate with the anatomy is vital for our forward movement… When we replay the same process over and over again… We become reluctant to step outside this field of knowledge… We create emotional walls and barriers – and shape the skin of the anatomy through this perception… Our external vision is forcing us to think critical internally… What’s happening inside these beacons… The anatomy is trapped – our energies are penetrating conflict inwardly… External forces cannot help or entre to release individuals from this isolation… We come out of isolation by using the muscle of will…  The problem with our procrastination is the depth of this oppression – this process makes us feel, it’s impossible for individuals to escape the entrapment of our emotional conflict… We co-create regardless of what energy we gravitate with our thought process.  When negative energies are spiralling all around us, this beacon will be filled with the same darkness… When the flame inside us cannot be lit our nothingness will create the flame of ego within us…! When this beacon is filled with nothingness, our egos can play… our perceptions and thoughts can create illusions that the anatomy believes to be true through the process of procrastination.  Watch the shadows on the walls…! Within our human evolution the threads of procrastination are now coming to the surface… but this movement has been slow and gradual within the fabric of our society…  It has the power to create illusions… When we consume these 20.000 breaths through this reality – we are bound to the confinement and constrains of oppression… This beacon is creating the same vibration – its shuddering our insecurities further into our isolation… As a result of fear, we are choosing to self-destruct rather than overcome this fear that’s been highlighted through our chakra points… We unknowingly self-talk negatively… The brain finds it easy to process this way… Being positive is hard work both internally and externally… We become overwhelmed with the structure of fear.  Our emotional intelligence needs to be free from the ethics of oppression to function for this biochemical machinery… We need to be prepared to step outside of our comfort zone that we unknowingly create – when we bind our cellular memory to oppression… We create limitations to be part of the fabric of our society – we are born to fly…! It’s part of our birth right to be free from mental oppression… When we know how the science of the anatomy functions, we can provide the right reasoning inside this human structure… Are we choosing to stay mediocre…? Because the world around us has its parameters set…? Or because we fear the rejection that others will isolate us – if we set our potential outside of our social conditionings…?  Inside our chakra points the codes of belief is already imprinted. Our authentic anatomy builds our individuality, we build our social cycle and political structures according to how we conform our internal mechanisms…  In the foundation within the commitment of the anatomy – through this core sensor and central system we can be profoundly present and conscious…! Through a series of breakdowns and breakthroughs that we integrate towards this central system will provide clarity and a deeper awareness and focus within us… This can be achieved without prolonged depravity – if we understand the trajectory…! When we are lost and confused – or bound to the ethics of control and manipulation – we can distort our natural responses and tie them to our external influence. This process is endless through our rat race… The noise of confusion is all around us… Its present externally, socially, politically – its consumed internally within our dysfunctions, cellular memory, thought process and through this beacon of light… When we block our external noise, we will allow the anatomy to speak… When we can listen to what our anatomy is communicating, we can hear and listen to what this beacon of light and our soul needs… Movement comes when we can go past our fear… When the anatomy speaks – it is highlighting our weaknesses, fears and insecurities… The void inside us is showing us the trajectory of gravity… Listen to these emotions – the anatomy communicates in shapes and symbols… This beacon is creatively conjoined to our cognitional activities, core sensor, and central system…  When we can light this beacon to the commitment of the anatomy… The universe is at hand… When all the doors around us close – don’t close the door internally… Allow the structure of gravity, your soul purpose and the commitment of the anatomy to work through this process to meet with the universal law… Our destiny is written in the stars – that doesn’t mean it will come to us easily… This time and space is all about making our stardust material conform and materialise… The strive for freedom is upon humanity… When we can internalise every aspect of our internal mechanisms and open up each comportment inside us, we can utilise the true potential of our subsistence… Truth cannot be found externally, there are too many corridors, too many options that connect subjectively to our emotional intelligence or towards the by-product of our manifestation… When we connect objectively to this process, we can structure this knowledge to the science of reasoning, where the outcome is open and not closed… When we open the beacon of light, we become open to more potential externally… Change this egg-timer…!    

It’s all about the science of reasoning…


“Art is for healing ourselves, and everybody needs their own personal art to heal up their problems…”

– Linda Ronstadt


Note to the self…!

“Concoct the right emotions within this beacon of light…”

It’s intriguing to understand how the anatomy works… Problems we gain when transforming old stagnated programmes can be mucky… Especially when they are heavily confined within our physical body… When we carry weighted atoms – we learn to drag these ideals – believing that if we are born into these conditionings, we will die within these conditionings… This emotional, mental physical pain is problematical within the anatomy… These loyalties aren’t formed from the commitment of the anatomy – but we are extremely loyal to these conditionings – by holding onto these failing structures we think we are being loyal to our birth rights… Our old programmes are made unknowingly, they are bound by some sort of external influence… We can be loyal to these external influences only for a period of time… When we become overly attached, and we refuse to let go, we become static… How many of our cultures and traditions are static…? Because we refuse to alter them…? When structures are cemented emotionally, it’s not only structures that fall… Emotions will need to be fought, contemplated and reflected…  Though the truth is we are only loyal when we can commit to the anatomy and bind to the central system of the anatomy…! The restriction we formalise internally becomes our limit externally…!  Is the world falling apart into its ruins or we learning to start all over again…?  We are only human if we can confess, we’ve made mistakes… Humanitarians are born out of conflict… Nothing happens by mistake we all come into our knowingness, when we learn to challenge ourselves.  We need to learn to confront these fears to change the trajectory of this egg timer for the by-product of our manifestation… When the anatomy speaks take notes… The foundation of our birth rights is much more than – what our democracy dictates to us…? We are more than tissue and flesh… Our system is working through these old programmes that no longer serve us… This revelation is long overdue… Is there any need for this process or not…?  Our cellular memory has become so static and when we don’t shift naturally – our revelations are felt through the fabric of our society within our cellular movement… Change must be imminent…! I wonder how long the fat cats can retain their disloyalty…?  

“Progress and healing involves seeing every person as not so different from ourselves…”

– Bryant H. McGill

All about our human transformation…!

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