
“The process of spotting fear and refusing to obey it is the source of all true  empowerment…!

Martha Beck


The vital investigation of the body of knowledge so far has been about exploring the fundamental mechanisms inside the anatomy.  In today’s blog I’m going to talk about what the anatomy has but doesn’t have…? We have unlocked so many components inside the anatomy – that cannot be opened without our conscious intentions… The two energies of evolution and revolution are the primary elements of our energy source. Without these two energies life has no existence. When we commit to the anatomy, gravity becomes the trajectory of this process… How we navigate the anatomy through our three brains for our emotional body, mental body and physical body will help us conform this biochemical machinery…? What we receive – when we begin to explore this process against the commitment of the anatomy is phenomenal… What’s inside the anatomy that we have but we don’t have…?  The anatomy has the ability to transform but we don’t have the intelligence to utilise this development… We have many mechanisms inside us, but without the projection of our transformation process, we have no muscle of will or even empowerment. Once we lose this flame inside us… It’s difficult to reconnect with our human spirit… This process is part of our self-healing process that comes from our growth and expansion.  When we can’t utilise these mechanisms. We can’t heal…!  This is the vital element of our survival… When we can’t align with our own strength – within the commitment of the anatomy. We can’t rescue the self…!  We will never be able to empower any facet within our identity – because we haven’t got the strength to overcome our fears… We need to generate this empowerment consciously – for this biochemical machinery to activate. The problem with fear is the notion of pain…  but pain is temporary inside the reflection of our old-self and new-self…! What we learn through this transitionary phase is how to turn our negative thoughts into positive action…?  This is the ‘U’ turn within our human evolution. When our emotional body and mental body becomes trapped inside our physical body… The trajectory inside the template of the anatomy will shape from our past templates…! An unquestioned anatomy is desolate… This is all about our drip injected dopamine feed…! The development of our transformation process is all about changing this setback into a progressive anatomy.  Here, the emotional body and mental body works in the alignment with the physical body for our forward movement. A questioned anatomy learns to expand through the science of reasoning through our core sensor…! The thrust through the development and growth that comes from our breakdowns and breakthroughs is about the transgression through our isolation…! It’s a flicker of a switch…!  Therefore, pain is temporary…! We are growing from inside our emotional intelligence and the core sensor is stimulating this expansion through the by-product of our manifestation.  The commitment of the anatomy is part of our universal identity. Our human evolution is the pinnacle law of our existence – nothing is permanent… Without the energies of evolution and revolution, we can’t build the foundation of our human development… We are all energy – nothing is static…!  Our thoughts need movement – without motion, our existence is lifeless…  When old programmes begin to fail us. We have no choice but to face the truth…! Without the need for change and empowerment – there is no way out… Our growth mindset cannot enhance without our restoration process that is within our atoms of knowledge. Therefore, without our breakdowns and breakthrough system the anatomy remains chained to our cellular memory… This is all happening inside the anatomy… Our transformations are sacred, it’s all about the process.  The love and trust we give to the self – in regard to our thoughts, emotions and imaginations without any external influence will stir the by-product of our manifestations…! Without love and kindness our human development is dysfunctional. It’s all about having a utopia mindset – we are a creation of this universal law… When we come together the science of our reasoning will resonate with the commitment of the anatomy… We have all been isolated for eons…! Be the lucky ones that have the empowerment to transform the mundane…!  Afterall, how we use these 20.000 breaths and how we think these 60.000 and 80.000 thoughts is all about how we build our manifestations…?  Think positively to become this successful mindset… Our manifestations are all about planting the right seeds of intention… We learn to consciously grow within this tree of life… There is no signpost indicating the trajectory of our happiness.  Obviously because gravity is not inclined to work for us…! This is a choice… Our conscious mindset is the beginning of this process. All we need is one atom, one moment or an event… to be able to nurture the wholeness of happiness… We can evolve from an ounce of positivity… Inside the ethics of control and manipulation be prepared to explore… because past the illusions of fear… Past our nothingness is the birth of our true self… that is aligned to the chakra points.  What’s stopping us from making this transition…? When nothingness keeps us in trapped in isolation… What depiction will the exploration of our self-discovery give to us…?  Will it not be the same feeling…?  What kind of negative self-talk do we embrace through our segregation…? It’s all destructive that is fuelled by resentment, fear and insecurity… It’s a closed communication that will always chain us to the same cycle and transit… We are subsisting through fear inside our energy field. What positive self-talk can we express when we are aligned to our chakra points, when we are aligned within our energy field… We are one within all, we are all part of the same creation…! This communication will help us to open-up into the co-creation of our existence… The vibration of our throat chakra will transform – when you know the vibe, you won’t settle for less…! We are vibrant beacons of light inside the windows of our soul… When we are all energy, we are simply just a vibration moving through time and space… This is the projection of our human evolution… It doesn’t matter if we are unconscious or conscious about this motion… We exist through the transitions of this time-lapse… This movement is dependent on our emotional intelligence and not about the transmutation of this rat race… An unlearnt obstacle can have us going around in circles for a whole lifetime…  Be the vibe you wish to be… fear can only delay the process… It’s all about our forward movement… get over the fear and change the vibe…! This is all we are through the transits of our human evolution… We are in motion all the time…! The atmosphere will never change unless we change this trajectory. It can’t stop the process…

It’s all about overcoming our fear


“Empowering the individual means empowering the nation. And empowerment is best served through rapid economic growth with rapid social change…”

Atal Bihari Vajpayee


Buddha once said “Before enlightenment chop wood and carry the water. After enlightenment chop wood and carry the water…” We can’t become any more than a human and we can’t become any less than a human…! Be prepared to expand the mindset of this emotional intelligence before any physical materialisation conforms.  This process will leave you in the same place and in the same condition. Where you first started – it’s the best place… Now with the expansion and knowledge of our forward movement – we can function through these new programmes…  As we can’t change from old programmes, the old self falls away… In our transformation we only lose what we think we need and gain what we need for our growth and expansion – for our forward movement.  We have various defects and dysfunctions inside the anatomy… Our anxiousness can exaggerate the scenario of our circumstances, but it can’t change the result – or even alter the truth…  Happiness can make us feel like we are flying but we can’t fly as humans…  Learn to fly – this is our birth right…!  The bridge between evolution and revolution is the transformation process. The commitment of the anatomy is incomplete without the integration of these two energies coming together as one…! We build this knowledge through our pitfalls. Change is a flicker of a switch from under the lather to above the lather…! We are constantly emerging and reflecting from the two types of characteristics to build the facets of our identity…!  Through the ethics of control and manipulation these transitions are swift and unrelated transitionary imbalances… Through our bio-chemical reaction these energies indicate much more than unconscious transitions.  When our emotions are sub-conscious – it’s down to our conscious state to imply these changes… What’s more important is learning how to apply the mechanisms of our transformations in-between our stagnated anatomy and our progressive anatomy… When we learn how to balance our thoughts, we will balance externally…?  If we can’t implement change within our subsistence – our human evolution won’t change…!  We need to explore these new avenues for the change we wish to see within our atmosphere…!     


“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding…”

Albert Einstein


Empowerment needs to be found and stimulated – from our atmosphere… Everything we need is here on earth… The commitment of the anatomy teaches us to see beyond the mundane and to search within our internal and external conditionings to investigate the body of knowledge… Our static environments attempt to entrap our thoughts that creates our isolation. This process keeps us in one place without movement… In the age of oppression in our human evolution, we are procrastinating… What is the measurement of humanity, when we are all in self-destruction…?  In our cellular movement we are fuelling the anatomy to be weak and fragile… The programmes the fat cats create for our subsistence – can give us no indication of a consistent movement in how we enhance our human race…? Therefore, we will continue to augment through very unstable foundations. The irruption of man-made devastation is always in the forefront…  All this destruction is due to the lack of knowledge we have with our own identity…  The regularity of our human evolution is set inside the parameters of our uneasiness… This matches the same frequency that our anxiety fuels inside the anatomy… We rather take action externally then introspect internally… To fight oppression, we need to go all in to untie our cellular memory from pain and conflict that generates from fear… This will be a collective movement… Our nothingness is functioning from our drip injected dopamine feed… Forcing humanity to segregate… This is a place where everything is unpredictable… This dwelling is damaging to humanity because we subsist on this premature state of consciousness to build our human knowledge.  When we conform to the ethics of control and manipulation – we build co-dependant and dependant relationships – the failure of this cellular movement will always end in crisis… The dynamics this concept creates politically is damaging to humanity… This stops the anatomy from functioning… that places humanity in automatic motion that can only fuel our drip injected dopamine feed… We call this our democratic rights…! When politics begins to fail – humanity begins to decline… There is no preparation for the anatomy to enhance and grow through this movement… However, time and space won’t stop moving, if we can’t progress externally, we will self-destruct internally… The likely prediction of this scenario can only create our pitfalls. Before, we can understand the sole purpose of our subsistence, we will strive through humanity… This process is building the structure of our tissue and flesh society… We are more than the vanity our social conditionings portray to us…  Until the need comes to embrace our stardust material… We won’t question what we really want…? Our progressive anatomy allows us to open up – for the growth and expansion of the by-product of our manifestation… It’s all about how we function from inside our heart chamber that will ultimately fuel the beacon of light for this pendulum theory…? The structure of our rat race conditions us to feel disconnected to the source of our energy field. Imagine what humanity would be like – when we all begin to open up rather than to remain closed within our isolation…? The beauty of humanity ascending towards a successful mindset, would be a lot better to perceive, understand and accept.  Then constantly seeing the world fall apart around us.  Humanity doesn’t have to continue to emerge through conflict and destruction… The allegory of the cave is no pleasant place… However, our isolation is the best place to start this transformation process…? The beacon of light is within all of us… This process is all about overcoming our fear… Humanity cannot exist when we are under the lather… We become inhuman – every single one of us…!  Humanity can only function when we can be whole within the self…! Learn to be whole in the trajectory of this atmosphere… When the thought process begins to unfold and manifold through the science of reasoning – the answers become apparent… There is something magical inside our thought process, if we wish to change… Decisions become firm and our focus becomes paramount… What part of the anatomy is in search of liberation…?  Every aspect of our internal and external conditioning needs empowerment for our survival – the state of our society will always be in hinderance…! The three brains requires the permission to allow the emotional body, mental body and physical body to find empowerment… Each template inside the anatomy needs the strength of empowerment for the purpose of healing… Every shape and symbol the anatomy communicates will require liberation… This muscle of will needs to learn to transform, we need the power and strength to change… Every atom we breathe and think needs the flame to proceed for our forward movement…  Every action, process and mechanism needs the empowerment to enhance and grow… The three levels within our emotional intelligence requires this empowerment to conform our successful mindset… This is all part of our birth rights… When we can be empowered within our whole existence – we are unstoppable within this biochemical machinery… Be unstoppable when creating the by-product of this manifestation.  When every aspect of the anatomy is unlocked, we will access the knowledge about the law of attraction…  

“Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God – the rest will be given…”

Mother Teresa

It’s all about how we take mindful action.


Note to the self…

Our transformation is all about finding empowerment…

What is the base of this transformation…? What is the commitment of the anatomy communicating to us…? When we let go of the social noise around us. The investigation of our inner being can develop… Instead of being scattered by our social affairs.  We can find more stability from our inner self… This is where all the magic happens… When the anatomy speaks take notes…! Connect to these bio-chemical reactions to know more about yourself – through all these shapes and symbols – there is a truth about our existence that can help us to build our identity… Have the strength to reveal the science of reasoning, which we commit to the anatomy and the universal law… The story will write itself… Truth can never be found externally – only the beacon of light can unveil the truth about our subsistence… Humanitarians are born out of conflict… When the whole of our atmosphere is in need of change – triggers and deep emotional impacts will serve meaningful revolutions…  This process is allowing us to be part of our whole atmosphere – for the by-product of our manifestation…  By understanding each atom inside the anatomy, we can find the foundation of our subsistence… This process will allow us to unlock every mechanism inside us.  How we use this anatomy for our forward movement is important for our successful mindset…?  Afterall, we all aspire to be prosperous, happy and contend… When the frequency of the anatomy is aligned inside this pendulum theory and with the beacon of light – and our by-words and by-product match with this vibration… Our survival will be melodious – the biochemical machinery creates this conditioning… This is empowerment…! Our transformations and internal strength cannot be found – it’s created by a conscious state of mind… When we can utilise this process inside us, we will have the knowledge to transform the anatomy – this means having the ability to heal – out of the complexity that nurtures around us… This is all part of our birth right…          

“Happiness, true happiness, is an inner quality. It is a state of mind. If your mind is at peace, you are happy. If your mind is at peace, but you have nothing else, you can be happy. If you have everything the world can give – pleasure, possessions, power – but lack peace of mind, you can never be happy…”

Dada Vaswani

We can be part of this successful mindset – once we get our heads out of the clouds…


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